FREE COURSE: How to Start a Profitable AFFILIATE MARKETING Website & Turn Your Passions Into Passive Income Using My Proven 4-Step Formula

(Even If You Are a Complete Beginner)

  • Learn how to start a profitable online business
  • Watch real-life case studies of the blueprint
  • Follow a proven step-by-step affiliate system
  • Finally achieve the resutls you want!

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Ivan!

First things first, a full disclosure: I'm not your average online guru ...


In other words, you will not find pictures of Lambos or images of me in rented villas and yachts on this page.


I'm just an ordinary guy who found a legitimate way to make money online which enabled me to quit my dead-end job.

And I want to share this EXACT 4-STEP SYSTEM with you!


But before I reveal this step-by-step system, let me share a quick story first...


I was just an ordinary cog in this system.


Basically, I was tired of working for the "man" for limited pay and no FREEDOM.


In case you're wondering, I worked in restaurants waiting tables for a living.

I hated my lifestyle and I wanted to get out of the J.O.B. (Just Over Broke).


I'm guessing that's the main, or at least one of the main reasons why YOU TOO want to start making money online, right?


One of the main reasons for me was a desire to enjoy more time and space freedom by earning a PASSIVE INCOME online.


So I started my quest...


I tried everything, only to learn that most of these online schemes require tons of cash, a high level of expertise, serious computer skills, etc.


And then I discovered AFFILIATE MARKETING!


I found an answer in AFFILIATE MARKETING because unlike other methods for making money online, affiliate marketing is newbie-friendly.


Moreover, this business model was perfect for me because I didn’t need a bag of cash to get started, and above all, it required basic computer skills and NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE.

I also learned that the multibillion-dollar affiliate marketing industry is expected to reach 8.2 BILLION in the U.S. alone.

This information made me feel excited, enthusiastic, and honestly impressed.

In other words, I realized that more and more regular people like YOU are taking advantage of affiliate marketing because of its simplicity and enormous possibilities!

So, as I was saying, I was in hospitality before this.


Long hours, commuting every day, soul-sucking work, no time for anything and I barely made ends meet.


Typical RAT RACE...


In almost desperate need of a change, I decided to take a shot at this affiliate marketing business that I was hearing about.


It took me a while, but after getting this affiliate marketing system dialed in, my life has completely changed for the better.


With this EXACT SYSTEM that I’m about to reveal on this page, I am now able to earn $10,000+ a month in passive income even while I sleep, eat, play, and spend quality time with my family and friends.


And checks like these just keep coming into my PayPal account...

And the best part is that all of these are PASSIVE INCOME, meaning that I don’t have to clock in & out on a 9 to 5 job, trading my time for money.


That’s all because I’ve built up very SUCCESSFUL AFFILIATE WEBSITES which are working for me 24/7.


Thanks to my ONLINE INCOME, I was even able to quit my dead-end job and enjoy the complete time, space, and financial freedom…


In other words, I  write my own paycheck, I control my finances, and I make PASSIVE INCOME while working anywhere in the world.


And You Can, TOO!


All you need to do is find a system that works (it’s here!) and take ACTION with it!


And YES, you can be successful at this even if you are a total NEWBIE with zero experience( just like I was 5 years ago!).


A bold claim, I know.


But it’s the truth, you CAN BE SUCCESSFUL at this!


That’s what makes this so exciting.


And if you’re still reading this, I’m going to assume that you ARE serious and that you DO want to learn a legitimate, proven process for making real money online.


So let’s proceed!

Learn How to Turn Your Passions into Passive Income with Affiliate Marketing in Just 4 Simple Steps...

I'm using this exact 4-step blueprint for 5 years and counting to EARN PASSIVE INCOME online by turning my passions into profits.


Basically, I use this formula, or blueprint, to create SIMPLE AFFILIATE WEBSITES about niche topics and products that I'm passionate about.


Then with the help of those websites, and a few new skills that I learned, I connect with people who share my passions.


And then, if they are interested I recommend them products from online marketplaces like Amazon or ClickBank.


Usually, products that they are already looking for.


Every time one of my website visitors purchases a product that I recommend on my website, Amazon, for example, pays me a percentage from the profits aka COMMISSION.


Here is how it works...

Step 1 - Choose a Niche & Find Hot Products

The best way to choose your niche is to pick an area that you are passionate about. Ideally, this could be a hobby or an interest. Then, all you need to do is simply find and select niche-related products on sites like Amazon or ClickBank, and proceed to Step 2. Your niche could be anything your want, whether it is fitness, beauty, gadgets, clothes, cars, makeup, etc. 

Step 2 - Build Your Niche Website

The next step is to build a small niche website where you promote selected products. Building this kind of website is an excellent way of expressing your passion and connecting shoppers with selected products through affiliate marketing. To get started, you'll need some hosting, a great domain name - plus step-by-step instructions on setting it all up easily!

Step 3 - Attract Interested Visitors to Your Site

To make your affiliate business a success, it's essential to draw in the right crowd - shoppers and potential customers who share an interest in what you offer. Generating relevant content that gets seen on search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and YouTube is one of the best ways to get these people onto your site. And you don't need a master's degree to get started!

Step 4 - Earn Passive Income

When people visit your niche website and find value in what you have to offer, you can help them purchase the product or service they desire. By simply including a few affiliate links on each page of your site, every time someone clicks through and makes a purchase- presto! You're now earning passive income.

These steps have worked for 15 years, and the best part is they will keep working for the next 15 (even 50) years to come!


And here is how you can start implementing this simple formula to start earning online...

The Only Course You Will Ever Need To Start a Successful Affiliate Marketing Website

Here's what you get

Step-By-Step Training Videos that teach about what affiliate marketing is and how it works, how to choose your perfect affiliate niche, build your own fully functional WordPress website, find hot affiliate products, generate tons of free traffic to your affiliate marketing business, and everything you need to know to dominate online and profit from your affiliate site. 

Tools and Resources that help you to build and skyrocket your new affiliate marketing business well and beyond your competition. You get access to carefully selected tools such as website hosting, keyword research tools, and even more. You also get Plug-and-Play templates and resources, the very same ones I use for my own affiliate marketing business. 

My Personal Help and Support for any questions or concerns you may have about your affiliate marketing business. With almost 6 years of experience in this industry, I will utilize my knowledge to assist you. I'm here to answer your questions, guide you in the right direction, and be your dedicated coach on your journey to success with affiliate marketing!

What Others Say About The Course

Marion: You've been on top of every question I've had since I began, Ivan! You've been so much help! And I appreciate it more than you know! I feel as though I can ask you the dumbest thing ever, and you won't make me feel stupid or wrong for asking! You are a true teacher, leader, and example without any judgment but sincerity! Thank you for all you do for all of us!

Vex: I'm glad there are people like you. I wish you good luck, to be as successful as possible, and for people to learn from you. You are an example in Marketing!

Joy: Hi Ivan! Thank you for sharing your story. I am deeply encouraged to continue what I have started here. Been a month here and things are unfolding slowly. I know you have to be patient. At least I started here, saving me from experiencing what you went through. I just wanted a little financial security and freedom. I can totally relate to you.

Mary: Hey everyone, I wanted to give a shoutout to Ivan for the amazing education provided. So here's the deal, I have this website all about cats. Following Ivan's advice, I started doing product reviews, and guess what? I made a sale! I know, right?  It's a learning experience, but I'm not giving up. With a little success, I'm confident that one day it's going to get easier. Never lose hope!

Tanya:  Hey Ivan, thanks for your training! I've been looking for a way to start an online business, and I stumbled upon affiliate marketing. Unfortunately, the first one I tried turned out to be a scam, and I'm still trying to get my money back. But I didn't want to give up, so I found your program. It's the real deal, and I'm so glad I found a legitimate site. There are a lot of people here to help me out. Thanks for the encouragement!

David:  Hey there, I found Ivan's training by accident and so far so good. I've been checking out some of the lessons here and I find them super-valuable and Ivan to be an inspiring person. I hope to be like you one day! Thanks for all that you do!

Are You Ready To Start Building Your Successful & Profit-Ready Affiliate Website?

I know there are a lot of scams out there. I’ve been scammed before as well so it’s always good to be skeptical!


Many courses/programs out there claim that you can make a certain amount of money within a certain period of time.


To be honest, that’s total BS. It’s just a marketing tactic.


I can’t guarantee you’ll make money because everyone’s responsible for their own results.


You have to put in the necessary work yourself. I can’t do that for you.


What I can promise you is that you’re about to tap into the best way to start earning online.


And if you’re willing to put in the work, you’re going to see results and even change your life completely.


Not only that, I’ll help you along this journey.


Let's do this!

Frequently asked questions

1. How much time do I need to invest?I get asked this question a lot. I know we are all busy. You are busy, I am busy.
So many people are afraid that they don’t have enough time to do this.
Now listen, affiliate marketing is kinda like solo entrepreneurship. It’s not a job so there’s no required time that you need to put in every single day.
You are your own boss. You decide how much time you want to put in every week. The only difference is that the more time you can invest, the faster you can see results.

2. Do I need to invest in tools and resources?Yes. You have to invest in tools.

But the beauty of affiliate content businesses is that there’s supreme flexibility on costs. You can start an affiliate website for as little as $4 a month. 

That is an extremely low startup cost! 

3. I have no experience at all. Is this a problem?Not at all. If you’re willing to learn, I'm willing to teach. 
Even if you have little to no knowledge in marketing, computing, website design, or otherwise, there’s nothing to stop you from making money online.
What’s important is that you put the effort in to try and learn. There will be times when things might be a bit difficult and you might not always understand the first time.
However, just like any new subject, the more you practice, the better you’ll get.

4. Do you offer help & support?Yes! You will get tons of help and support inside the community and outside.
Community Support - This is a private program exclusively for members which contains a ton of well-versed online marketers. Not to mention, I'm active almost 24/7 and ready to help you with your concerns and questions!
External Support - I specifically choose to work with tools and platforms I know can offer support and help to our members when they need it. That means, if you have a technical problem with things like your hosting, email marketing, or anything else, I’ll be able to point you in the right direction to get you back on your feet.