Smart From Scratch Review – Is Pat Flynn’s Course Any Good?

Welcome to My Smart From Scratch review.

This course was created by a super-successful online entrepreneur, Pat Flynn, and it has a very cool name. Wondering what does Smart From Scratch mean?

It means that this course has one purpose. That is to help you start on the right foot.

Let me elaborate…

Most people rush into online marketing thinking just about the money so they forget to validate their niche. Thus, they build their business on the sand and risk the whole thing right from the start.

Your niche is the cornerstone of your success. If you choose wisely, your chances for success will increase tenfold!

That’s what Pat Flynn wants to help you with. In other words, the Smart From Scratch course is about getting things right from the very start by making sure that you build your business on rock-solid foundations.

But first, who am I? And why should you listen to me?

Hi, I’m Ivan! I’m a successful blogger and affiliate marketer. I went from serving tables in a restaurant to earning a five-figure income online from affiliate marketing!

Moreover, I have also reviewed and tested 500+ programs to find the best way to make money online. In other words, I’m passionate about making money online and helping you to follow in my footsteps!

And in this Start From Scratch review, I will explain this course in greater detail. Also, I will show you how this training course works and many other cool things about it. Shall we get rolling?

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Smart From Scratch Review


Smart From Scratch Review – Overview

  • Product Type: Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Price: $199
  • Product Owner: Pat Flynn
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 30-days
  • Recommended?: Yes

Overview: Smart From Scratch teaches how to start an online business on the right foot. How? By showing you how to discover, refine, and test your niche before you start building your online business.

The creator of this course is a super-successful online marketer, Patt Flynn. The course is affordable, comes with a refund policy, is easy to understand, and is suitable for all levels. In other words, I recommend Pat Flynn’s course.

Alternative: My #1 recommendation (is a 100% legitimate program that helped me to go from being a complete newbie to making $100’s per day with affiliate marketing! Wanna follow in my footsteps?




What Is Smart From Scratch?

Smart From Scratch is all about finding a winning business idea and landing your first customer. The course focuses on teaching people how to develop a business idea, validate it, and determine if that idea is viable to pursue.

In other words, Pat Flynn provides 22+ step-by-step lessons with which he will show you how to find a profitable niche and determine whether this niche is viable or not using a series of exercises to do so.

On top of that, you can learn how to test your niche before diving in with both feet.

Smart From Scratch Description

In my opinion, Smart From Scratch is not the most comprehensive course in terms of building an entire business and it could include more advanced strategies.

However, it deals with the most critical part of any online business, finding the winning niche right from the start!

Most people dive into affiliate marketing without thinking about their niche. This is where Pat’s Smart From Scratch course can really help.

One of the best features of this course is that Pat actually helps you to test your idea. This is done through a series of small advertising campaigns. If results show positive, you can confidently pursue your idea.

On the other hand, if tests come back negative, you can save A LOT of time wasted on pursuing the wrong niche.

Inside the Smart From Scratch course, there are three key modules. I will show you the content a bit later in my Smart From Scratch review. Let’s meet the creator first.

Who is Pat Flynn?

If you haven’t heard of Pat Flynn yet, here is your first chance. Pat Flynn is a super-successful online entrepreneur who started his career back in 2008 after begin laid off from his job as an architect.

Today, Pat says that getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to him because he got a chance to discover the world of online business.

You can read how Pat Flynn made his first 3 million in passive income on Forbes as well.

Pat Flynn

Pat runs several successful online projects. For example, he runs a blog called Smart Passive Income where he shares free tips and strategies.

Also, he runs a super-successful YouTube channel that counts 288K subscribers by the time of writing this Smart From Scratch review.

Pat Flynn YouTube

Pat also runs a podcast and is deeply involved in helping people to start a successful online business from scratch with his Smart From Scratch training course.

One of Pat’s most popular courses is called 123 Affiliate Marketing, where he shows how to start with the affiliate marketing business. It’s quite expensive but a legit course too.

All in all, Pat Flynn is a 100% legitimate online entrepreneur. He’s not involved in a scheme of selling you big dreams for an even bigger price like most online gurus do.

Instead, Pat is focused on helping you by providing real value with his content.

How Does Smart From Scratch Work?

Smart From Scratch was designed to help you find and validate a business idea to make sure that you start on the right foot.

It includes over 22 lessons of video training with Pat Flynn where he shares his proven strategies for finding the right niche, making sure it is profitable, and more.

Smart From Scratch Curriculum

Stage 1 – Idea And Market Visibility

Like every other online course, Smart From Scratch starts with a brief introduction where you can meet Pat. He will lead you through the expectations and share some valuable downloads.

The first stage of this course is focused on building a real online business by finding the top idea. In other words, Pat will show you how to discover the right niche for your business.

This could be a combination of something that you’re passionate about and something that has a market value.

Stage 2 – Adjust and Refine

Once you have reached a niche idea that could potentially be the winner for you, you will have to test it out to see whether it is really the one or not.

The main focus of stage two of Smart From Scratch is on setting goals and creating a plan of action.

In this stage, you will learn how to test your idea on the market before you even build your business by following Pat Flynn’s strategies, reaching out for feedback and more.

Stage 3 – Testing

As I said, Pat Flynn’s course is not the most comprehensive one when it comes to building an entire business. However, it covers all parts and stages of building one.

In this module of Smart From Scratch, you will be learning how to test your idea for real by selling before building.

This will be done by setting up your sales pitch and running it online to collect data that you can analyze to make sure that you’ve chosen the right niche for your future business.

Bonus Stage – Building Your Own Brand

So after you go through all three stages, you should be having a clear idea based on real data. In other words, you should be having a winning niche in your hands. Now, it’s time to build the brand.

In this bonus module of Smart From Scratch, Pat Flynn will show you how to build your own WordPress operated website, create your own brand, create a content plan, get traffic via social media and search engine, build your email list, read your data, and more.

In other words, this module is where you can learn how to actually build a real online business.

Is Smart From Scratch A Scam?

No. Smart From Scratch is not a scam. Pat Flynn’s course is a legitimate training program where you get a chance to learn from one of the top online marketers today how to build your own online business from scratch and the right way.

Unlike many other online gurus out there, Pat Flynn doesn’t give you any false expectations nor does he uses misleading claims, fake testimonials and other tricks to lead you to join his program.

Moreover, the creator – Pat Flynn – is indeed who he claims to be. In other words, he is not some fake guru who is trying to sell you his course without any value given in return.

That said, the Smart From Scratch course includes legit and workable information. And as you are about to see the next sections of my review, it also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

This is something that I really like about this course.

After going through the sales page, the course curriculum and after verifying Pat’s background, I have no doubts that Smart From Scratch is a 100% legitimate program.



Who Is Smart From Scratch For?

Smart From Scratch is one of the rare courses that is designed with beginners in mind. Most courses skip over the topic and the importance of niche selection and jump straight to building websites, getting traffic and selling stuff.

But if you don’t choose the right niche right from the start, all that stuff that comes later will have no effect.

So in my opinion, Pat’s course is perfect for newbies who are looking to get started on the right foot.

The course focuses mostly on building a solid foundation before building your business tower, which will make sure that your business doesn’t collapse.

However, generally speaking, Smart From Scratch could be for anyone interested in creating a successful online business and making money online.

It’s also for advanced marketers who would like to learn a few new tricks for their next business.

How Much Does Smart From Scratch Cost?

Another thing that I like about Pat Flynn’s course is the price tag. You will not have to shell out $1000’s to get access to this course. Instead, Smart From Scratch will cost you only $199 one-time.

And, your purchase is covered with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Smart From Scratch Price

There are no upsells after you join Pat’s course. However, there will be some extra costs down the road.

For example, you will have to spend some money on testing your niche. And once you’re satisfied with the results and start building your website, you will have to spend money on hosting, domain name, and a few other things.

Related: Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review

What I Like About Smart From Scratch

  • Focuses on finding and testing niches right from the start
  • Shows how to build a successful business (bonus)
  • Suitable for beginners and advanced marketers
  • Pat Flynn is a real online marketing expert
  • No overhyped and misleading promises
  • Relatively affordable training course
  • 30-day money-back guarantee included

What I Don’t Like About Pat’s Course

  • Could use some more advanced content
  • No tools (Extra costs)
  • Lack of community (very important for beginners)

Smart From Scratch Review – Conclusion

Despite the fact that Pat Flynn’s Start From Scratch has a few flaws, I still think it’s a great training course. The thing that I like the most about it is that it is built with beginners in mind.

In other words, Pat makes sure that you get it right, right from the start.

Advanced marketers might find it a bit boring, but I’m sure they will pick up a few golden nuggets from Pat’s course as well. Mastering a niche selection is a valuable skill, right?

All in all, I would recommend this course to anyone interested in building an online business (a better alternative at the end of the review!). Thanks for reading my Start From Scratch review.

Related: Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Review

How I Make Money Online

Pat’s course is awesome, but my #1 recommendation is even better. How? Why?

My #1 recommended course covers all the same topics and it is also built with beginners in mind. However, it also includes all the tools, community, private coaching and 24/7 technical support.

In other words, it is a one-stop shop for building a successful online business!

A couple of years ago, I learned about affiliate marketing through my # 1 recommended program, decided to go all-in, and today, I earn constant passive earnings online.

Among the best features of my # 1 ranked course is that you can join for totally free (just a $49 Premium subscription). You will get one complimentary site and access to the very first ten lessons from the course to try things out.

Furthermore, this program is in fact all-in-one. You get everything that you need to make money online with affiliate marketing.

This consists of detailed training, all the very best tools, hosting and websites, live assistance, community aid, technical assistance, one-on-one training, and so much more!

After evaluating over 500 programs on the web, my conclusion is easy. This is the best method to make money online.

And if you’re looking for the very same, click the button listed below!




And don’t forget to share this Smart From Scratch review with your friends and family!

All the best, Ivan. Founder, and CEO

Related: Digital Worth Academy Review

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