Write App Reviews Review (2024) – Is It a Scam or Real Way To Earn? (Truth Revealed!)

Write App Reviews Review

Welcome to the ultimate Write App Reviews review.

According to the official website, you could earn $25-$35 per hour writing simple app reviews from home.

If you are looking to learn:

  • Is Write App Reviews legit
  • How it helps you to earn
  • What’s inside the program
  • The real cost to start
  • Whether users are successful
  • Can you get a refund
  • And much more!

You’ve clicked on the best website!

I’ve dedicated a few days to analyzing Write App Reviews, taking notes, uncovering hidden info, and thoroughly going over the program so that I can provide you with the most helpful Write App Reviews review.


Get paid to write app reviews.


$27 one time, plus agressive upsells.


You get a DFY review site and some training. 60-day money-back guarantee.


No details about the owner/company behind the product. Overhyped and misleading promo material. A sales funnel is jam-packed with aggressive upsells. Lots and lots of negative user reviews. Incomplete advice on making money online. Complete lack of student success stories. It's a rehashed version of a scam called App Coiner. 

⚠️ Verdict

While Write App Reviews offers some value in the form of a DFY website, the rest of it is complete garbage. Avoid at all costs!

 Rating

I Want To Know…

About the Reviewer

Hey, I’m Ivan Brozincevic!

Since 2018, I’ve been making a full-time income online, which allowed me to quit my old job (about me).

Initially, I struggled to identify legit courses and avoid ones that were just out for my money.

That’s why I created this website – my main goal is to help you steer clear of pitfalls and discover the top online business courses.

Every week, I invest hours reviewing online courses and writing reviews based on my fact-driven review guidelines to assist you in making an informed choice.

Related: Check out my FREE training program for making money online.

Is Write App Reviews a Scam?

In my review, I find WriteAppReviews.com to be on the verge of being labelled a scam. It comes across as a misleading and subpar ClickBank product.

In my opinion, Write App Reviews seems to be primarily beneficial for its anonymous creators, who shy away from proudly standing behind their creations due to their lack of legitimacy.

Think about it. If the product were truly legitimate, wouldn’t the creators confidently take credit for it?

But of course, that is not the only red flag.

The only reason why I won’t outright label Write App Reviews as a scam since it does offer some value in exchange for your money.

However, based on my experience and opinion, it’s unlikely to deliver on its promises. Here are more red flags you need to know about.

First of all, earning $25 – $35 per hour by simply downloading and reviewing apps is simply unrealistic.

Secondly, the main idea behind this product is to upsell you more similar products under the false notion that you can easily make a substantial income.

If that were true, everyone would be flocking to WriteAppReviews.com to make money online.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. As I mentioned before, this product is incomplete and of low quality. Joining is likely to be a waste of both your time and money.

Moreover, it’s suspicious to note the absence of user reviews and testimonials for such a supposedly powerful money-making app.

Doing a Google search for Write App Reviews Review will yield numerous articles that echo my sentiments here but zero positive reviews.

In other words, you will find a flood of testimonials from users who deem this as a scam.

While the definite classification of Write App Reviews as a scam may be debatable, one thing is certain – it will not assist you in making easy money online!

And I’m now ready to back all these claims up.

Read the rest of my Write App Reviews review to gain more insights into the offer before you make any decision to join or not! Or see my YouTube review below:

What Is Write App Reviews?

Write App Review is a new product found on ClickBank that allegedly helps users make money online by reviewing mobile apps.

In a nutshell, your main task is to pick an app, download it to your phone, test it, and write a review.

According to the information on the writeappreviews.com website, the site accepts new members from all over the world to test and write reviews for new apps on both phones and tablets.

Initially, Write App Reviews seemed like an easy way to earn between $25 and $35 an hour online. Intrigued, I joined to see if this program could truly help us earn online.

After joining, I discovered that the program largely delivered what was advertised on the Write App Reviews sales page.

However, upon closer inspection and a few days of exploration, I came to the realization that something critical was missing from the system. This raised doubts about the program as a whole.

So, the question naturally arises – is Write App Reviews a scam? To learn more about this system, continue reading my in-depth and unbiased WriteAppReviews.com review.

As a paying member, I provide an honest evaluation of both the positives and negatives of this product.

How Do Write App Reviews Work?

As stated in the introduction, Write App Reviews operates by guiding you on earning online through reviewing popular apps and publishing your reviews on the internet.

Write App Reviews Review - Official Website

To accomplish this, you receive your own website where you can write and publish these reviews. There are three methods to generate income through this site:

  1. When people click on banners on your website
  2. People opt into your email list
  3. When someone clicks on the app download link

I’ll explain the whole process in the later sections of my Write App Reviews review.

First and foremost, I want to address a crucial point. While ClickBank is a legitimate online marketplace, it is also notorious for hosting numerous scams, low-quality products, and get-rich-quick schemes.

Two prime examples of such misleading products are Perpetual Income 365 and Click Wealth System. Both of them convincingly promise quick online earnings, but in reality, they fail to deliver on their claims.

The concerning part is that this particular offer originates from ClickBank itself.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the question: Is Write App Reviews legit? Allow me to present you with more details…

Who Is Behind Write App Reviews?

Although it is indeed possible to generate income online through writing reviews on a WordPress website like this one, it is important to exercise caution when encountering programs that promise easy money.

Before joining Write App Reviews, I searched to uncover information about its creators, but unfortunately, locating such details proved challenging.

One significant red flag associated with this program is the lack of information about its owner. I was unable to find an “about me” page, a name, or even a link to a social media profile.

The fact that the individual(s) behind Write App Reviews intentionally remain anonymous raises questions. And as you will discover in the remainder of my review, there are valid reasons for this secrecy.

To gain firsthand knowledge about the platform and its functionality, I decided to join.

My initial impression was that WriteAppReviews.com is yet another subpar platform aimed at lining the creators’ pockets, potentially signalling a scam.

Upon entering, I immediately encountered a barrage of continuous upsells for additional products.

Interestingly, I discovered Write App Reviews through two very similar ClickBank products, Paid Social Media Jobs and Paid Online Writing Jobs.

It appears that the same individuals are promoting all three offers as a means of deceiving newcomers into believing that making instant and effortless money online is feasible.

This kind of behaviour indicates that the owners of WriteAppReviews.com do not take their platform seriously, and instead, prioritize profiting from unsuspecting individuals.

This was the initial sign of a potential scam.

However, let’s offer them the benefit of the doubt and explore the rest of the Write App Reviews review to learn how you can generate income with this particular offer.

How To Make Money With Write App Reviews?

As mentioned earlier in this review, you can leverage Write App Reviews to get paid for reviewing apps. Getting started is easy and only requires a few simple steps:

  • Step 1. Setup your App Review website
  • Step 2. Test apps and write reviews
  • Step 3. Get paid!

Below are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1. Setup your App Review website

As a member of Write App Reviews, you will receive a Done-For-You website which you can use to publish your reviews. By monetizing through ads, signups, and downloads, you can earn money from your reviews.

Write App Reviews Review - Step 1

The site is essentially complete and does not require any coding, designing, or hosting.

To begin, simply sign up for ClickBank and JVZoo, which are affiliate marketplaces, and add your unique affiliate IDs.

Step 2. Test apps and write reviews

After completing step one, proceed to log into your Write App Reviews website. There, you will have access to a database of apps and can start reviewing them.

Write App Reviews Review - Step 2

The database includes numerous apps spanning various categories.

To get started, pick an app that catches your eye, download it onto your phone or tablet, and begin reviewing it.

Write App Reviews Review - Step 2.1

For each app you choose to review, you will have access to an edit page. Simply write your review and give the app a rating from 1 to 5 stars.

Write App Reviews Review - Step 2.2

The goal is to optimize your reviews for search engines, allowing you to attract free organic traffic. To achieve this, ensure that each review consists of at least 500 words or more.

Once you have completed your review, simply click on the publish button, and it will be instantly live on your Write App Reviews website.

Step 3. Get paid!

There are three ways to get paid with Write App Reviews.

When people click on your banners, sign up to your email list, or download your app, you can earn money. The system automatically adds your ClickBank ID or JVZoo ID to every single banner ad, email list, and app download button on your app review website.

To get started, you need to open free affiliate accounts with ClickBank and JVZoo.

Write App Reviews will display banners on your site that redirect people to ClickBank and JVZoo products. If someone buys these products through your links, you earn a commission.

Similarly, if they subscribe to your email list and click on your offers, you can make money.

Additionally, you can earn money whenever a person clicks to download an app from your Write App Reviews website.

Does Write App Reviews Offer Any Training?

Write App Reviews is a concise program that focuses on reviewing apps. It provides an overview of the process but doesn’t cover all the essential details for making money through app reviews.

However, it does offer training on important skills like keyword research and search engine optimization.

The program is cost-effective compared to similar alternatives. When you log in, you’ll have two options: one button leads to your review site, and the other button takes you to a database where you can earn money by writing reviews.

Please keep in mind that this program may not be a comprehensive resource, and additional learning and time commitment are necessary to succeed as an app reviewer.

The training materials are located at the bottom of the page.

Write App Reviews Training

To locate this page, simply access the top menu and click on the My Review Site dropdown.

Here are five options for training:

  • Beginner Training
  • Intermediate Training
  • Advanced Training
  • SEO Training
  • Bonus Training

Beginner Training

The beginner training is easy. It consists of just one page that will guide you on how to review apps. Additionally, you’ll find links that can assist you in acquiring a VPN, if necessary.

If you reside in the US, the process should only take a minute. However, if you’re from another country, it might require a few minutes of your time.

Intermediate Training

This is where you learn how to use Write App Reviews. The section is divided into four parts:

  • Making Money: Learn how to earn money by writing app reviews.
  • Product Selection: Discover tips for choosing and evaluating apps, as well as effective note-taking strategies.
  • Course Creation: Gain insights on understanding your audience, providing examples, avoiding excessive information, and making recommendations.
  • WordPress: Explore WordPress functionalities such as post-editing, image insertion, and rating, although the course lacks video content.

In the Intermediate training, you will also acquire skills to write better reviews, including the use of simple language, crafting clickable titles, establishing review structure, and use of keywords.

Advanced Training

Write App Reviews won’t provide extensive training in search engine optimization and social media marketing.

Write App Reviews Advanced Training

They will give you an introduction to these topics, but they won’t be overly long or detailed. You can find more comprehensive information by investing in courses that come at a higher cost.

The advanced training includes the following modules:

  • Taking Your Income to the Next Level
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • More Online Promotion Opportunities
  • Offline Promotion Opportunities

Write App Reviews claims to handle ad revenue and email marketing on your behalf, which has the potential to be troublesome.

They might even utilize your funds for their benefit and create an email list without your knowledge.

Moreover, they don’t provide any guidance on how to manage these tasks independently, leaving you in the dark about the underlying operations.

SEO Training

The SEO module discusses the importance of keywords in search queries. Keywords are the words people use to find what they’re looking for.

For instance, if you want to watch the show “Squid Game” on Netflix, using the keyword “Squid Game Netflix” increases your chances of finding it quickly.

However, the Write App Reviews training lacks guidance on ensuring that users find the desired content when using specific keywords.

When people search for “Squid Game Netflix,” they don’t want to read about it; they want to watch the show on Netflix.

Unfortunately, Write App Reviews provides unhelpful advice, leading to wasted time. It is crucial to seek accurate and reliable training to avoid such pitfalls.

Moreover, Write App Reviews offers incorrect advice about backlinks, which are links from external websites that enhance search result rankings.

Obtaining backlinks from low-quality websites can severely harm your rankings, potentially requiring starting from scratch.

Surprisingly, Write App Reviews encourages purchasing cheap backlinks from platforms like Fiverr, even though this violates Google’s guidelines.

This unethical practice is among the worst things you can do for your website, and some people resort to it to sabotage their competitors’ search rankings.

Overall, the Write App Reviews training lacks sufficient detail and can be detrimental. It is advised to avoid following their recommendations.

Bonus Training

Once you complete the special training, you’ll have access to a bonus class. This class offers valuable insights on how to get paid for your writing. It covers some of the same topics as the other classes.

Write App Reviews Bonus Training

You can learn how to write reviews, make resumes, or create online articles. The information is available online, but it’s also provided for free in this class!

However, keep in mind that you don’t have to agree with everything you learn.

Sometimes it may be claimed that you can earn $300-$500 for writing a 1000-word article, but that’s not always true.

While it is possible, it’s not easy. Writing articles is a competitive field, and typically writers get paid around $40-$100 for 1000 words.

Most people are willing to pay about 6 cents per word, which amounts to $60 per 1000 words. However, some individuals will only offer 1 or 2 cents per word, resulting in $10 or $20 for a 1000-word article.

Certain companies even pay writers as little as 1 or 2 cents for every word. On the other hand, skilled and experienced writers can earn 30 or 50 cents per word, which equates to $300 to $500 for 100 words.

These writers specialize in various fields such as health, finance, engineering, and law, bringing authority to the platforms they write for.

However, it’s challenging to consistently make more than $300 for an article.

It’s worth mentioning that you won’t be able to learn everything about writing simply from Write App Reviews. While they cover a wide range of topics, the information provided is not deeply detailed.

This platform can provide you with a broader understanding of digital marketing and freelancing, but if you truly want to excel, you may need to seek additional assistance.

How Good Is Write App Reviews Website?

At freshappreviews.com, Write App Reviews offers you a free website with WordPress, including an email sign-up form and 30 reviews.

Write App Reviews Review - Step 3

Deleting reviews that can potentially harm your website is often a better choice. Having duplicate content on your site can negatively impact its visibility and rankings on search engines.

To avoid any issues, it’s advisable to remove duplicate content altogether.

The content on the Write App Reviews website has remained unchanged for a considerable period and is hosted on a platform that makes it difficult to discover.

A better approach would be to create a website dedicated to a specific product and produce original content.

Copying other people’s words is not an effective way to generate income online. Although there are tools and experts available to assist you, the responsibility of creating quality content lies with you.

Building a website doesn’t require advanced technical skills, but it does require effort and dedication.

Think of it like going to the gym – no one else can do it for you. You need to put in the work and effort to reap the rewards.

The website provided is a good starting point, but filling it with valuable reviews and content that your audience desires is ultimately up to you.

Can You Make Money With Write App Reviews?

You can technically make money by reviewing apps. However, I would suggest reading “Write App Reviews” and earning a disclaimer beforehand.

It is clearly stated that there are no guarantees whatsoever of making money.

Write App Reviews Review - Earnings Disclaimer

Earning Disclaimer on the side, there’s a serious problem with this app that could and probably will hinder your ability to make money.

To generate income, you first need to drive traffic to your site. So, how can you do that?

The concept behind publishing app reviews is to rank them in Google for specific keywords like “app name + review” to attract free traffic.

In my opinion, it’s advisable to write at least 50-100 app reviews to capture the attention of Google and other search engines.

However, there’s a challenge…

Write App Reviews doesn’t provide SEO training. This means that without SEO skills, your reviews will struggle to rank on Google.

SEO is a complex subject that demands expertise and specific knowledge. Simply posting a review and hoping for instant rankings in SERP won’t suffice.

In other words, you’ll face difficulties attracting visitors to your site without SEO skills.

And without anyone checking out your reviews, making money with Write App Reviews won’t be possible!

Who Is Write App Reviews Best For?

In my experience, I believe that Write App Reviews is better suited for unknown owners. However, I am sceptical about how this program can help you start making money online.

Writing reviews can be a lucrative venture with affiliate marketing. One approach is to create a website and review various digital and physical products to generate income.

However, it’s important to note that success requires proper training, which, unfortunately, WriteAppReviews.com does not offer.

Related Review: 12 Minute Affiliate

How Much Does Write App Reviews Cost?

Initially, it is not clear how much Write App Reviews costs. To gain access, simply provide your name and email address.

After submitting the information, you will be redirected to a sales page where a payment of $27 is required to access the platform.

Write App Reviews Review - Price

Initially, I believed this product might have some legitimacy.

However, my perception swiftly changed when they bombarded me with a barrage of upsells, literally slapping me in the face.

Upsell #1: Express Pass VIP Area – $97

The initial upsell offered access to a VIP Area. They explained that the primary advantage of this access is the potential to earn 10 times more money with the platform.

Write App Reviews Review - Upsell #1

The issue is that they never explained how or why I would earn more money.

It seems that all members of the Write App Reviews VIP club make significantly more cash at a much faster pace than regular members.

However, to me, this appeared to be a scam.

Upsell #2: Make 3x More Money – $57

The second upsell made me realize that Write App Reviews could indeed be a scam. I was offered to purchase two products that I had already bought before!

Write App Reviews Review - Upsell #2

They are:

  • Paying Social Media Jobs: It’s a platform that teaches how to earn money by managing other people’s social media accounts. After reviewing it, I found it to be a scam.
  • Paid Online Writing Jobs: Similar to the previous offer, this one also appears to be a scam.

It’s concerning that the same unknown person or group is behind these two scams. They have also created Write App Reviews, which is not a positive indicator.

Upsell #3: 50 DFY App Reviews – $37

The final upsell in the funnel grants immediate access to 50 DFY app reviews. Upon purchase, these reviews will be promptly downloaded to my site.

Write App Reviews Review - Upsell #3

At first, I thought this was a good idea.

But then, I saw the member’s area and quickly changed my mind… again!

Does Write App Reviews Offer a Refund?

Luckily, you can get a refund. To obtain a refund for Write App Reviews, follow these steps:

  • Visit Clickbank support and engage in an online chat.
  • Provide the order number from the email received.

Bear in mind that the sellers may attempt to entice you with additional offers to retain you as a customer. Consider your options carefully and decide whether you want those offerings or simply prefer to secure a refund.

Are Write App Reviews Users Getting Results?

It appears not! The lack of evidence of success for students participating in Write App Reviews is alarming and prompts us to ask the question – Are Write App Reviews users getting results?

Despite searching the official website and multiple forums and review sites, there was a striking absence of any feedback from satisfied customers.

Moreover, the absence of testimonials from successful students is a telling sign of a scam.

Any legitimate program with a track record of success would be expected to have numerous satisfied users who would be more than willing to share their positive experiences.

The total lack of such evidence for Write App Reviews is concerning, and it suggests that the program is not designed to achieve the promised outcomes.

Without any evidence to suggest that the program is successful, it is logical to assume that it is not worth the cost of participation.

What Do WriteAppReviews.com Reviews Say?

To determine if Write App Reviews is a scam or legitimate, it is advisable to read user reviews online. During my research, I found that the majority of reviews indicate that Write App Reviews is indeed a scam.

Here are a few examples:

Write App Reviews User Review
Write App Reviews User Review 1
Write App Reviews User Review 2

Write App Reviews has received numerous negative reviews due to its requirement of payment for job opportunities. I share the sentiment.

The main issue lies with Write App Reviews’ claim that individuals can earn $25-$35 per hour, which is misleading. In reality, direct earnings through Write App Reviews are non-existent.

While some people may generate income by recommending products to others, this is not the case for all individuals or companies, including Write App Reviews.

Although Write App Reviews portrays itself as a potential source of employment by frequently adding new apps, it is crucial to note that it does not offer a legitimate job.

What I Like About Write App Reviews

You Get a DFY Review Site

One thing I appreciate about Write App Reviews is that you get something in return for your efforts. It’s not a total scam aiming to swindle your money.

If you possess SEO skills, you can utilize this platform to review apps, acquire search engine rankings, and generate passive income by recommending them.

60-Day ClickBank Refund Policy

I requested a refund after buying this program from ClickBank, a legitimate marketplace. Fortunately, I received my money back within a few days.

ClickBank Money Back Guarantee

The fact that you can get a refund if you decide to opt-out is a sign that Write App Reviews is legitimate. However, there are a few red flags that you need to be aware of first.

What I Don’t Like About Write App Reviews

No Details About Owner/s or a Company Behind It

One warning sign that Write App Reviews might be a scam is the lack of information about the creators and owners of the platform.

Scams often conceal names or use fake identities, including Fiverr actors, to create an illusion of legitimacy. It makes me wonder… Why don’t the owners of Write App Reviews reveal themselves or provide their names?

Perhaps it’s because they’re running a scam and don’t want to associate their names or a company name with yet another low-quality product.

This is likely why there are no names attached to this product.

Overhyped and Misleading Promo Material

Write App Reviews utilizes misleading claims in their statements, such as “making money is as simple as 123” or “WriteAppReviews monetizes your website traffic and the more apps you test, the more money you make!”

Write App Reviews Scam

Based on the earlier parts of my review, it’s evident that the claim is untrue.

To begin, reviewing any product is not a simple task. It requires time and effort to develop the necessary skills. Additionally, this program will not handle traffic for you.

With that being said, earning money with this program is far from easy; it is almost impossible.

Sales Funnel Is Jam-Packed With Upsells

As soon as I paid $27 to gain access to this platform, my scam alarm went off. And if you recall, they immediately bombard you with aggressive upsells!

To make matters worse, two of those upsells are selling highly suspicious products that are classified as scams!

I reviewed Paid Social Media Jobs and Paid Online Writing Jobs, and I must say, I was deeply disappointed with both products. I even went so far as to label them as scams.

Write App Reviews is a Scam According to Users

In the upcoming sections of my review, I will discuss the abundance of 1-star reviews that Write App Reviews has garnered. Many users claim it to be a scam.

Write App Reviews Scam 1

If it was a legitimate website, there would have been more positive reviews available, correct?

Moreover, 52% of testimonials label it as a scam. I could end my argument here, but I choose not to! Allow me to present additional red flags that you need to be aware of.

DFY Site Is OK, But It Won’t Work Without Traffic

The actual product within the platform is decent. You receive a well-designed site with access to numerous apps and instructions on reviewing them.

The website and sales process are taken care of, removing any hassle on your end. However, one significant drawback of Write App Reviews is the lack of instruction on SEO and achieving first-page rankings.

While you can write countless reviews, without the knowledge to rank them, your efforts will be futile.

No Testimonials or Results From Real Users

I didn’t come across any user reviews or testimonials while writing my WriteAppReviews review. Why aren’t people experiencing results with this supposedly effortless money-making app?

The truth is, that real individuals aren’t achieving outcomes, and there are no testimonials to support its effectiveness.

It’s a Rehashed Version Of the App Coiner Scheme

App Coiner and Write App Reviews are two identical sites. The only difference between them is the name. Everything else is the same.

Write App Reviews Review - Rehashed Scam

This indicates that the individuals responsible for both sites are determined to deceive as many people as they can.

Consider how you were invited to try these apps. Did you receive an email promising quick money-making through secretive methods from someone you don’t even know?

Related Review: ClickEarners.com

Do I Recommend Write App Reviews?

I do not recommend the Write App Reviews platform because, in my opinion, it is a low-quality product designed to generate profit for unknown creators. It appears to be a scam.

As I mentioned before, there are some products available in the backend area. However, these products might just be a justification to sell you additional upsells. What’s worse is that these upsells could lead you to more low-quality products and scams.

In addition, they do not provide any guidance on how to drive traffic to your website. Having a website with a bunch of reviews and affiliate links is useless if no one clicks on them.

If the owner/s of Write App Reviews would offer comprehensive SEO training and reduce the number of upsells, perhaps I would consider recommending it.

But for now, my stance remains firm. This is not a product I would recommend.

Write App Reviews Review – Conclusion

Write App Reviews is an online platform that offers a DFY website for reviewing apps and making money online. While it may seem like a legitimate way to earn through affiliate marketing, several issues with this platform prevent me from using or recommending it.

Firstly, they claim to handle traffic for you, but in reality, this is not true.

Additionally, they provide no training on how to generate website traffic. As a result, you can only make money with this scheme if you already possess advanced SEO skills.

On the other hand, Write App Reviews is a budget-friendly product covered by a ClickBank money-back guarantee, providing you with good news.

This program is built on legitimate methods for making money online. Additionally, you have access to a ready-to-use website for reviewing apps.

However, it’s important to note that this product is not entirely legitimate.

The sales page of Write App Reviews is misleading. It suggests that you can earn $25 – $35 per hour simply by downloading and reviewing apps. However, my review reveals that this is not the case.

To make money with this program, you need to rank your reviews and have traffic generation skills like SEO and PPC. Unfortunately, there is no training on these topics inside the members’ area.

Traffic generation is a crucial component for online income, and the training completely lacks it.

Additionally, the product is designed to make money for the anonymous owner through upsells. You will be offered to purchase two other low-quality products without any prior warning or disclosure.

Moreover, Write App Reviews is created by the same people responsible for schemes like Paying Social Media Jobs and Paid Online Writing Jobs. It appears to be a rehashed version of App Coiner, another low-quality system for making money through app reviews.

Interestingly, my research suggests that App Coiner was shut down around the same time that Write App Reviews emerged. Is it just a coincidence?

Overall, it is evident that this program falls short of delivering what it promises, and there are better alternatives available.

While I wouldn’t classify it as a scam, it is not a platform that I can confidently recommend. I intend to request a refund from ClickBank soon.

Thank you for reading my Write App Reviews review. I hope this post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comment section below.


Get paid to write app reviews.


$27 one time, plus agressive upsells.


You get a DFY review site and some training. 60-day money-back guarantee.


No details about the owner/company behind the product. Overhyped and misleading promo material. A sales funnel is jam-packed with aggressive upsells. Lots and lots of negative user reviews. Incomplete advice on making money online. Complete lack of student success stories. It's a rehashed version of a scam called App Coiner. 

⚠️ Verdict

While Write App Reviews offers some value in the form of a DFY website, the rest of it is complete garbage. Avoid at all costs!

 Rating

The Best Way To Make Money Online

I earn online by creating simple affiliate websites to connect people with products they are already looking for.

It’s called affiliate marketing and it is the best way to make money online (at least in my humble opinion).

If you want to learn more about how to start making money online with affiliate marketing, I strongly suggest you sign up for the free training on the next page.

And don’t forget to share this Write App Reviews review with your friends and family!

All the best, Ivan @freeaffiliatemarketingbusiness.com

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20 thoughts on “Write App Reviews Review (2024) – Is It a Scam or Real Way To Earn? (Truth Revealed!)”

  1. Much appreciated… So glad I googled the website first. I need a real job not another drain on my bank account.

  2. Thank you!! Thus article saved my time and my bank account. I need real work not the promise of work. Ir as writeapp would say “the potential to work.”

  3. I’ve seen ads for this website, and have never knows what to think of it. I’ve been trying to make money online for a while now, and I’ve tried crypto, affiliate marketing and many other methods. When I saw this ad, I was tempted, but I will not be trying it thanks to you. I appreciate the help as you have probably saved me lots of time and money

  4. Hi Ivan, thanks so much for the review of this WriteAppReviews. I appreciate your honesty about the product. Far too often we are scammed out of our hard earned money. As I have been looking for a side hustle, I come across and have purchased many less than credible products and courses. I will make sure, that in my quest to find legitimate money making efforts that I don’t subscribe to this product. Too many upsells are a sure way to know that a scam is looming! I appreciate you!

  5. Thank you so much for the review, I was just about ready to sign up with this app I’m glad I came across your review thank you again so much. I know nothing about marketing online and I certainly don’t have any kind of product to market online, I am looking for a way to make a little bit of extra money per week. I’m not looking to be a millionaire to live in big houses buy fancy cars I just want a little bit of extra cash. Do you have any suggestions on legitimate ways to do this. I made a big mistake couple months back got signed up with super affiliate network, was going to cost a whole bunch of money luckily I canceled within three days but it was a real hassle, not what I was looking for, just the first few so-called lessons which they referred to as modules, it was just repeat repeat repeat and they’re into “yeah you’re gonna make a lot of money have a big house drive fancy cars”. I’m just looking for something that’s a legitimate and I can make a couple hundred bucks a week. Any ideas?

  6. Soon as I saw that I have to pay $27 . I quickly came to google for a proper review. And I’m glad I bumped into your page. Good job!

  7. Hi Ivan,
    First of all, thanks a bunch for reviewing this site. As much as I hoped the offer was genuine, I never let it prevent me from confirming the authenticity of the claims made. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a chicken, then your alarm bells should go off! Just like you stated in the review, promoting 2 other scam products alongside a supposedly genuine one tells you all 3 products have issues. Incidentally, the upsells (paidsocialmediajobs and paidtowrite) were also introduced to me countless times as individual products and as much as I drew their attention to the negative reviews of the sites online, they just kept sending me the same e-mails to buy. A clear indication of an unresponsive company that is just interested in getting people’s money without giving any real value in return. I’m happy I didn’t fall for it and even happier you did the review to prevent others from falling for these phony products and sites.

  8. I think I just found some site that would really work for me as a side cash earner. I tried many ways all of them free of course, but getting interested in this one, coz it looks a bit easy and enjoyable. I would discover many apps that I didn’t know about.

    just to know, will you be guidu=ing in this course or someone else?

    • Hi Nabeel Razzaq, thanks for your comment. Writeappreviews.com looks easy, but it’s not. Trust me. The creator of this system wants you to believe that it is easy. However, in reality, getting traffic to your reviews is an extremely hard and long process. I’m afraid that Write App Reviews is not going to work as you may have thought. But there’s no harm in trying! If you have SEO skills, you could make it.

      No, I’m not going to be guiding you in this course. I help people to start with my #1 recommendation instead.


  9. Hi Ivan. Thank you for your post. I was looking onto write app reviews for a while, as for first look it seems as a interesting way to earn some extra cash. Yet opinions in web was really mixed, and looking on your review I already know this is not program for me. Thanks you your review I saved 27 dollars, as I don’t believe that there is easy way to earn money from this platform. And to be fair, Im not big fun of upsells. Looking how much time and money I would need to invest, there are definitely better ways for online business.

    • Hi Cogito, thanks for your comment on my review of Write App Reviews. I agree it’s an interesting opportunity. However, there are some big problems with this platfrom. The major problem is getting traffic and lack of education on this topic. Moreover, those upsells are very bad too!



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